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Save 40% on Gloo+ This Easter
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This silly video game is a great addition to any Sunday School or Kids' Church celebration around Father's Day. We've gathered dad jokes from all around and put them together in a fun game video. The goal is straightforward and simple: do your best not to laugh. If you do laugh, you lose! This game video will be sure to capture the attention of the children in your care. What's Included 1080p MPEG-4 1080p QuickTime 480p MPEG-1 480p QuickTime
Everybody loves mini golf! Challenge kids to answer the Bible trivia questions correctly to get a hole-in-one. This colorful, fun, interactive game video is perfect for Sunday School, Kids' Church, or Children's Ministry. What's Included 1080p MPEG-4 1080p QuickTime
Use this FREE game along with our Summer Road Trip 8-Week Children’s Ministry Curriculum. The Summer Road Trip Curriculum teaches kids about when the Israelites took a road trip to the land God promised them, they complained the whole way. They forgot that God has good things in store. This word search will let kids look for a road trip and Exodus-themed words. This free download comes with the word search page as well as a separate answer sheet so that the kids or leaders can see where all the words are. You can print as many copies as you'd like and hand them out to kids either to complete during class or as a take-home activity!
This 8-week Children's Ministry Curriculum is designed to help your students understand that God has good things in store for us. There may be times when impatience sets in, and questions arise along the journey. While family road trips can be great fun, with opportunities to see different sights and spend time together, they can also lead to complaining about cramped quarters and boredom. Similarly, when the Israelites took a road trip to the land God had promised them, they complained the whole way, forgetting what God had promised and how He had provided for them along the way in the desert. Curriculum Topics Drive-Thru - Exodus 12:1-14, 31-42. Grand Canyon - Exodus 14:5-29 Campground - Exodus 16:1-23 Rest Stop - Exodus 17:1-7 Grandparent's House - Exodus 18 The Beach - Exodus 20:1-17, 31:18 Tourist Traps - Exodus 32:1-26 Disney World - Deuteronomy 31:1-8, 32:48-52 Lessons Include Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Large Group Game Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion Perfect for ages 6-12 Large-group and small-group resources This curriculum is an instant download.
Dads are a lot like superheroes. They’re strong. They provide for us. They can protect us and make us feel safe. They can teach us how to do things. Some dads even change into a special uniform or suit when they go to work, just like a superhero. Even for those of us who don’t have a dad, there is probably someone in your life who does some of these super things for you. No matter who that super person is, they deserve to know how much you appreciate them today. We respect our “super dads” because when they teach us things and are patient with us as we learn and grow up, it reminds us that God is also patient with us and will forgive us when we make mistakes. This Father's Day, kids will thank God for their super dads (or the person in their life who is like a dad). Lesson Includes • Make It Stick! Parent Sheet • Memory Verse • Skit or Puppet Show • Craft Activity • Large Group Game • Large Group Lesson • Small Group Discussion • Perfect for ages 6-12 • Large-group and small-group resources • This lesson is an instant download
In the first sermon he ever preached, Jesus gave us the Beatitudes, eight blessings promised to those who seek Jesus and live for him. The Beatitudes can change the way we look at life and help us to live in a way that honors Jesus. Teach Kids the Beatitudes with the Beati-DUDES! Curriculum Topics Hang 8, Dude - Matthew 5:1-12 On your knees, Dude - 1 Samuel 24:1-7 Tough break, Dude - Luke 23:26-27 Take it easy, Dude - Ephesians 4:29-32 That's righteous, Dude - John 4:1-26 Give 'em a break, Dude - Matthew 18:21-35 Nice heart, Dude - Proverbs 4:10-19 Chill out, Dude - Matthew 5:23-26 Shake it off, Dude - Acts 5:17-42 Hang 8, Duuuuude - Matthew 5:1-12 Lessons Includes Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Large Group Game Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion Perfect for ages 6-12 Large-group and small-group resources This curriculum is an instant download.
This silly game video is perfect for any Sunday School or Kids' Church around Father's Day. It is the only Tie Game that people can win or lose! Can you keep track of the tie as it zips across the screen? Fun for kids ages 6-12. What's Included 1080p MPEG-4 1080p QuickTime 480p MPEG-1 480p QuickTime
Are you looking for fun, entertaining games to keep your children engaged and excited? We have got you covered! Our collection of ten Minute-to-Win-It games is perfect for Children's Church or Sunday School during the Summer. Each game is designed to challenge their brains and energy levels, ensuring that they will have a blast. These games are also great for incorporating into your Sunday or midweek lesson plans. And the best part? They're all completely free! Each of these 10 games uses a challenge that follows the theme of the Summer Olympics. Game Videos Included Blind Diving The Second Oldest Sport Parade Of Nations Gym Hero Volley-Volley-Volley Swim Coach Slap Shot Rubber Archer PB And Pong Mini-Decathlon
Making s'mores is a great campfire tradition we do in the summer. When you bite into the crunchy, chocolatey, gooey s'more it tastes so good. In this Summer Children's Church Lesson, kids will learn that when we experience God in our lives, there is nothing sweeter. It is crazy to think that nothing is sweeter than God's love and when we live in God's love. That means that even s'mores are not sweeter, which seems impossible! When we experience the goodness of God, we are definitely going to want some more of it. Perfect for Children's Ministry, Sunday School, and Kids Church. Lesson Includes Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Large Group Game Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion Perfect for ages 6-12 Stand-alone holiday lesson perfect for Children's Church or Sunday School Includes both large-group and small-group resources This lesson is an instant download
Step into the Realm of Valor! In this enchanted domain, children will be introduced to King Ardor and the members of his kingdom, including the famous Knights of the Oval Table. These valiant heroes will guide children in understanding that genuine bravery – the sort that equips us to tackle any challenge – is rooted in faith in God. In our Castles of Courage 5-Day VBS curriculum, kids will learn that true courage comes from trusting God. Curriculum Includes Medieval Themed Perfect for kids ages 6-12 5-days of lessons and activities Includes large group activities and small group discussion Make It Stick! Parent Sheets Lesson Snapshot Memory Verse Start The Day Skit or Puppet Show Large Group Lesson Outdoor Game Indoor Game Object Lesson Small-Group Discussion Craft Activity PowerPoint Game
Emotions are like a force of nature, but with God’s help, we can learn to take control of our emotions before a storm hits! During our fun week at the Lava Lava Luau, we’ll see what God’s Word says about anger, sadness, jealousy, and frustration and learn how we can respond to others who may be feeling these emotions as well. In Lava Lava Luau 5-Day VBS curriculum, kids will learn Biblical ways to express and deal with their emotions. VBS Curriculum Includes Escape Room Themed Perfect for kids ages 6-12 5-days of lessons and activities Includes large group activities and small group discussion This VBS program is an instant download Download a free sample lesson "here". Includes NIRV, NIV, NLT, and KJV Memory Verse Graphics Includes Editable Text Files Each Lesson Includes Make It Stick! Parent Sheets Lesson Snapshot Memory Verse Start The Day Skit or Puppet Show Large Group Lesson Outdoor Game Indoor Game Object Lesson Small-Group Discussion Craft Activity PowerPoint Game
Teach Preschoolers to Pray. When we pray, we are communicating with God in a similar manner to how we talk to our parents. Through prayer, we have the opportunity to express gratitude for the blessings we have received, seek guidance and assistance, and find comfort in times of fear and uncertainty. Talking with God Preschool Ministry Curriculum Overview: Memory Verse: “Never stop praying.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIrV) Thank God – Kids will learn that they can thank God for all the wonderful things he has done for them. Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Men Ask For Help – Kids will learn that they can ask God for help always. Daniel 6:10-23, Daniel In The Den Of Lions Talk To Him When You're Scared – Kids will learn that they can talk to God whenever they are scared – he loves us and will help us not be scared anymore. Jonah 1:17-2:2, Jonah Prays From Inside A Fish Pray For Others – Kids will learn that they don't just pray for themselves but for others as well. Acts 12:1-17, Church Prays For Peter In Prison About This Curriculum: Perfect for kids ages 1-5 4-weeks Includes both large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Sunday School Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion Special Lesson for 1 and 2 Year Olds More!
Learn To Be A Kid Who Follows God. Summer vacation starts out fun, but after a while it can seem to last 40 years. Through this study of the life of Moses, kids will learn that with the right attitude and attention, this summer vacation can be a complete blast! Diary of a Godly Kid Summer Vacation Lessons Overview: MEMORY VERSE: "Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always." 1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV) LESSONS: Godly Following – Sometimes we don't know where we're going or what we're doing. But if we're willing to follow God, he will take us to amazing new places. Exodus 14:13-31. Israelites Cross the Red Sea. Godly Attitude – Sometimes things just aren't going our way. But we can keep from grumbling by remembering that God is taking care of everything. Exodus 16:1-23. God Provides Manna and Quail. Godly Honor – Sometimes we want to do things our own way. But God calls us to honor and respect our parents' guidance. Exodus 18:5-27. Moses Takes Jethro's Advice. Godly Time – Sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything we want to. But more than anything, God wants us to spend time with him. Exodus 24. The Israelites Confirm the Covenant. ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 4-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything. Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!" Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to easily connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest. Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!) Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson. Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together! Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor. Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school.
Bible Science Lessons For Sunday School! God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Pure science will always point us back to our loving Creator. These 6 Bible lessons use an actual science experiment to help teach each lesson. Bible Science Lessons Overview: MEMORY VERSE: “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” Job 5:9 (NIV) LESSONS: Soda Geyser – With this experiment kids will see an explosion of liquid as the amount of soda seems to grow and grow. Kids will learn that with Jesus we will always have all that we need. John 6:1-13, Jesus Feeds Five ThousandLava Lamp – With this experiment kids will make a relaxing, groovy lava lamp. Kids will learn that Jesus wants us to take time to relax and spend time with him. Luke 10:38-42, Mary and MarthaMagnetic Slime – With this experiment kids will create a slime that is irresistibly drawn to magnets. Kids will learn that God draws us to an irresistible life with Jesus. Matthew 4:18-22, Calling the First DisciplesExploding Lunch Bag – With this experiment kids will learn how a chemical reaction can cause things to get out of control. Kids will learn that even when life seems totally out of control, Jesus can deliver us. Mark 5:1-20, Jesus Heals A Demon-Possessed Man.Balancing Act – With this experiment kids will balance hex nuts in a seemingly impossible way. Kids will learn that when we put our faith in Jesus, the impossible becomes possible. Matthew 14:22-36, Jesus Walks On WaterPotato Battery – With this experiment kids will learn that even an object as simple as a potato can possess power. Kids will learn when we rely on Jesus he will give us the power to do great things. Acts 3:1-10, Peter Heals A Crippled Beggar EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything. Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!" Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to easily connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest. Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!) Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson. Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together! Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor. Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school :( ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 6-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download
Teach Kids Bible Lessons Based On Their Summer Vacation. Each lesson looks at a different place kids could spend their summer vacation and uses it to help teach a fun Bible lesson. Summer Vacation Lessons Overview: MEMORY VERSE: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23 (NIV) LESSONS: Road Trip - The most common phrase uttered on a road trip (after “I need the potty!”) is “Are we there yet?” How many good times are spoiled by grumbling and complaining? Instead of whining, we need to learn to trust God and enjoy the ride. Scripture: The Israelites in the wilderness grumbling for water and food. The Beach - Where does everyone race to in the summer? To the beach, where the sand is warm, the water is refreshing, and the sun is bright. Peter made a mad dash for the beach too - when he saw Jesus on the beach from his boat. There is nothing and no one more precious than Jesus, and we need to be just as eager to embrace him. Scripture: Jesus on the beach when the disciples were fishing after the resurrection. Play Outside - Are you an indoor kid, or an outdoor kid? More & more kids would rather play video games than get outside. Sadly, more and more Christians are the same way. We’d rather stay inside the church than get out and share Christ with others. Jesus gave us a command to go and preach the gospel. We can do that through service, through evangelism, and through mission trips. Scripture: The Story of Jonah Summer School - For most kids, the last place they want to be in the summer is school. But sometimes summer school offers a great chance to get ahead, catch up, and build on our future. Jesus had a great passion for learning as a child, as evidenced when his parents found him with the teachers in the temple. His example gives us a challenge to learn the word of God so we can prepare for our future.Scripture: Young Jesus in Temple. Museum - Museums are filled with reminders of the past. They teach us about who came before. They teach us about what the world was once like. They teach us about the mistakes and sins of the past as well. All of us have museums in our heads, reminders of our past mistakes. We can either let them fill us with remorse or help us to reject sin. Scripture: Paul’s transition from Saul to Paul. Summer Camp - One of the fun things about summer camp is meeting people with whom you have something in common. At basketball camp, you meet other basketball players. At Space Camp, you get to meet other space enthusiasts. Our church groups are made of a variety of people, but we have one thing that unites us: Jesus. Christian friends can encourage us in our faith, pick us up when we’re down, and stand with us when we need courage. Scripture: David and Jonathan. The Fair - Is there any place full of more strange, unusual, and odd people than the county/state fair? But, what we need to see is that every one of them is someone special to God! They are God’s children, and we need to open our hearts to sharing his love with all of them. Scripture: Story of calling Matthew and “Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me.” The Pool - There’s nothing more refreshing than a dip in the pool. When it’s hot outside, being in the water is the best feeling in the world. It’s no wonder the Bible so often uses water as a symbol for the Holy Spirit and God cleansing us from sin. God wants to wash all our sins away and make us like new. Scripture: The story of Naaman. ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 8-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything. Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!" Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to easily connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest. Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!) Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson. Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together! Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor. Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school.
What a Mess! VBS is about how Jesus deals with our messes; our sins, mistakes, and weaknesses. All the while, you and the kids are going to have lots of messy fun, with messy snacks, games, crafts, and more! Our completely new format is designed to make it super easy to adapt this VBS to any group size. Whether you are doing a rotational format with dozens of kids and tons of volunteers or you just have a small group that you're leading with me, myself, and I - What A Mess VBS can work for you! Ideal for kids ages 6-10. Curriculum Includes MESSY activities throughout (less messy alternatives included) 5-days of lessons and activities Includes large group activities and small group discussion This VBS program is an instant download Includes Editable Text Files Make It Sticky! Parent Sheets Daily Key Verse (5 Total Verses) Skit Large Group Lesson Craft Game Small-Group Discussion BUNDLE What’s Under the Mess #1 Guess That Mess #1
ORIGINAL PRICE $289 Bundle and SAVE on this Children’s Ministry’s curriculum for EASTER and VBS! For a limited time, get the entire bundle for $199. Our 4-week Easter Curriculum teaches children how Jesus made a way to escape the price of sin. Escape the Tomb Easter Curriculum is a fun, escape room-themed curriculum that will help you engage with children of all ages. The 5-Day VBS Lava Lava Luau Curriculum will help children learn Biblical ways to express and deal with their emotions. Curriculum Includes 4-Week Easter Curriculum 5 Easter Game Videos 5-Day VBS Curriculum 5 VBS Game Videos 5 Minute Countdown Video In Escape the Tomb 4-Week Easter Curriculum, kids will learn how Jesus made a way for us to escape the price of sin. Chocolate Bunny Race Easter Eggscape Room Rotten Eggs Jelly Bean Jumble Easter Egg-splosion In Lava Lava Luau 5-Day VBS curriculum, kids will learn Biblical ways to express and deal with their emotions. 5 Minute Countdown Video Escape the Volcano Game Video Oh No Volcano! Game Video Crab, Lifeguard, Seagull Game Video Surfer, Wave, Palm Tree Game Video Tourist, Volcano, Hammock Game Video
This ancient Egypt-themed VBS will have kids learning about the early life of Moses, how God used him to help the Israelites escape their Egyptian slavery, and ultimately how we can escape from our slavery to sin. Join archeologist and adventurer Colorado Smith as he seeks to unravel the mystery of the Puzzling Pyramids with the aid of some very helpful Egyptian animals he meets along the way. Colorado doesn’t know much about the life of Moses, but he thinks there is a great treasure to be found if he can piece together the clues in Moses’ life. Curriculum Includes Egyptian Themed Perfect for kids ages 6-12 5-days of lessons and activities Includes large group activities and small group discussion This VBS program is an instant download Make It Stick! Parent Sheets Lesson Snapshot Memory Verse Start The Day Skit or Puppet Show Large Group Lesson Outdoor Game Indoor Game Object Lesson Small-Group Discussion Craft Activity PowerPoint Game
Teach Kids About the Adventure of Living Life With God! When Jesus walked this earth, he invited twelve men to share in his life and to join him on a great adventure. Today, Jesus invites each of us to join him on this great adventure of life in Christ. The series creatively uses camping activities - from catching fish to making s'mores - as metaphors for spiritual lessons. Through these lessons, children learn about following Jesus, serving others, and the joy of the gospel. Happy Campers Lessons Overview: Memory Verse: “God began a good work in you. And I am sure that he will carry it on until it is completed. That will be on the day Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 (NIRV) 1) Catching Some Fish. Nothing passes the time quite like going out and catching fish. Kids will learn that we've been called to make sure people catch the good news of Jesus. John 5:1-11, The Calling of the First Disciples. 2) Putting Up the Tent. We must pay careful attention to pitch our tents just right. Kids will learn that Jesus deserves our attention. Mark 9:2-13, The Transfiguration. 3) Setting Out Your Sleeping Bag. When you're “roughing it” you have to give up your warm house and comfortable bed. Kids will learn that following Jesus means being willing to give up everything for God. Matthew 8:18-22: The Cost of Following Jesus. 4) Going on a Hike. During your trip, it's nice to go out to the hiking trails and explore nature. Kids will learn that Jesus sends us out to help and serve others. Luke 10:1-17, Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-two 5) Making S'mores. No camping trip would be complete without fixing up s'mores. Kids will learn that Jesus is the bread of life that makes us complete. John 6:25-40, Jesus the Bread of Life. 6) Singing Campfire Songs. Nothing's more joyful than singing songs under the stars. Kids will learn that they should praise Jesus joyfully. Luke 19:28-40, The Triumphal Entry. 7) Telling Campfire Stories. It's nice to sit around the campfire and tell each other stories. Kids will learn that we have the best story ever to tell: Jesus is alive! Luke 24:13-32, On the Road to Emmaus. 8) Keeping the Fire Going. When the camping trip is over, make sure to put out the campfire is out. Kids will learn that with the promised Holy Spirit, the fire of good news will never go out. Acts 2:1-12, The Holy Spirit Comes. About This Curriculum: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 8-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion
Teach Kids The Fruit of the Spirit! The tree doesn't TRY to grow fruit; it grows naturally as long as the tree has plenty of water and sunlight. The tree spends it’s time trying to reach down for water and reach up for sunlight and the fruit comes as a result. In the same way, when we focus on trusting in God and filling our mind and heart with God’s Word, the fruit of the Spirit will start to naturally be seen in our life. Fruit of the Spirit Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview MEMORY VERSE: “But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind.” Galatians 5:22-23 LESSONS: Love – The Bible says that “God is love.” When we live by His Spirit, we will be like Jesus and do things out of love for others instead just doing things for ourselves. Luke 15:1-7, The Parable of the Lost Sheep Joy – True, lasting joy can only come from knowing we have eternal life by believing in Jesus and accepting him as our Lord and Savior. Luke 24:50-53, The Ascension Peace – Peace isn't just about feeling calm; we need to be peacemakers, helping people find peace in the midst of conflict. 1 Samuel 25:1-35, Abigail Creates Peace Patience – Sometimes we want things done on our schedule, but we need to be patient and realize it’s ok for others to go first and realize that sometimes waiting is part of God’s plan. Genesis 21:1-7, The Birth of Isaac Kindness – God is filled with loving kindness, and when we are filled up with God, we will show kindness to others whether or not they deserve it. 2 Samuel 9, David and Mephibosheth Goodness – Any goodness we have comes from God. We need to remember that we are naturally sinful, but that we can do good things when we choose to live God’s way. Mark 2:1-12, Jesus Heals and Forgives Faithfulness – When we commit to doing something and don’t quit until it’s done, we are showing faithfulness. When we always choose to make the right choice, even when tempted to do wrong, we are showing faithfulness. With help from the Holy Spirit, we can be faithful to God. 1 Samuel 24, David Spares Saul's Life Gentleness – Gentleness may sound weak, but it actually takes more strength to be gentle. Displaying gentleness to others means that we are considerate of other people and treat them with love and respect even if they don’t treat us the same way. Jesus is our perfect example of gentleness that is also strong and bold. Matthew 11:25-30, Rest for the Weary Self-Control – Self-control means exactly what it sounds like, controlling one's self. It means we are able to tell ourselves and others no when we may be tempted to do wrong. While the other young men in the king's court indulged in whatever they liked, Daniel and his friends exhibited self-control and they were blessed because of it. Daniel 1:1-17, Daniel's Training ______ EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Game Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 9-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download