Incredible Faith 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
Incredible Faith 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
Incredible Faith 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

Incredible Faith 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum


God does incredible things when we put our faith in Him

From beginning to end the Bible is filled with incredible stories of heroes whose faith in God allowed them to be used by God to save the day.  This series will focus on 12 people in the Bible who showed INCREDIBLE faith.  Kids will learn that they can put their faith in God, because he is worthy of our trust.

Incredible Faith Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview


“Lord who rules over all, blessed is the person who trusts in you.” Psalm 84:12 NIRV


Ark Man – God asked Noah to build an ark. He told Noah that he was going to flood the whole world, and he wanted to save Noah’s family. Noah had never seen a flood like this, but he obeyed God because he trusted God’s plan. Kids will learn that having faith means trusting that God has a plan.  Genesis 7:6-18, 8:15-22, Noah's Ark

Mr. Obedient – God asked Abram (who became Abraham) to move to a new place and Abraham obeyed immediately.  Kids will learn that having faith means we obey God.  Genesis 12:1-4 Abram moves to a new place

Professor Positive – Joseph chose to have faith that God had a plan and purpose for his life even when things seemed hopeless. Kids will learn that faith means trusting God even when bad things happen.  Genesis 41:9-40 (may also reference 37:26-28 39:20-23)

Captain Commandments –  Moses had faith that God would take care of his people, even when they were trapped between an army and a large sea.  Kids will learn that they can encourage others to trust God when they are afraid. Exodus 14:13-22 God splits the Red Sea

Princess of Protection – The Israelite spies were in danger of being caught and killed until Rahab stepped in and saved them. Kids will learn that when we have faith, God will use us to help others. Joshua 2:2-21, Rahab and the Spies

Mr. 300 Man Army – Gideon had a small army, but God had a plan to confuse the enemy and give Gideon the victory. Kids will learn that when we put our faith in God, nothing he asks us to do is impossible. Judges 7:1-22, Gideon Defeats the Midianites

Giant Slayer – He may have been just a kid, but David saved a whole nation from a giant and the entire Philistine army. He did this because he believed that God was stronger than anything. Kids will learn that they can serve God today, no matter their size. 1 Samuel 17:32-49, David and Goliath 

The Fire Trio - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had faith in God that was so strong they were willing to die to do what’s right.  Kids will learn that having faith means we can trust God even if it means things don’t go the way we want them to right now. Daniel 3:8-27 The fiery furnace

Lion Man – Daniel had faith that God would take care of him if he chose to do the right thing by continuing to pray, even though the king said it was against the law.  God rewarded Daniel’s faith and protected him from a den of hungry lions.  Kids will learn that having faith means we choose to do what God says is right no matter what. Daniel 6:10-23 Daniel and the lions’ den

Bravery Girl – When Esther's people were in trouble, she chose to stand up and be brave. Kids will learn that having faith in God means they can make the choice to do what’s right even when it’s scary. Esther 4:8-17, and 5:1-3, Esther's Request

Builder Man – God called Nehemiah to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, and Nehemiah obeyed even when faced with great opposition. Kids will learn that we must keep doing God’s work, even when people make fun of us. Nehemiah 4:1-18, Nehemiah Faces Opposition

The Mightiest Hero of All – Jesus is the greatest example of faith because he trusted God’s plan no matter what.  When he prayed in the garden he showed that he trusted God completely even when he knew obeying God meant he would have to die to save the world.  Kids will learn when we put our faith in Jesus and ask him to be our Savior we can have an incredible future because of what Jesus did. Matthew 26:36-46, Jesus prays in the Garden


  • Make It Stick! Parent Sheet 
  • Memory Verse 
  • Skit or Puppet Show 
  • Craft Activity 
  • Game 
  • Large Group Lesson 
  • Small-Group Discussion


  • Perfect for kids ages 6-12
  • 12-weeks
  • Includes large group and small group resources
  • This curriculum is an instant download