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Deep and Wide Worship Video for Kids
Sing Deep and Wide in Kids Church With This Version Made Specifically For Kids!
A beautiful kid's lyric video that you can use for weekend Kids Church, mid-week services, VBS, or camp!
- .MP4 Format
- Compatible With Any Presentation Software
- Watch the video below
Let's go
Deep and wide, Deep and wide
Jesus' love is deep and wide
Deep and wide, Deep and wide
Jesus' love is deep and wide
oh let's go
Taller than the mountains
Brighter than the stars
Deeper than the ocean
Wider than the sky
Taller than the mountains
Brighter than the stars
Deeper than the ocean
Wider than the sky
Let's go
By my side, By my side
Jesus is always by my side
By my side, By my side
Jesus is always by my side
oh let's go
Close like a best friend
walkin by my side
close like my heart that's
beating inside
Close like a best friend
walkin by my side
close like my heart that's
beating inside
Deep and wide, Deep and wide
Jesus' love is deep and wide
Deep and wide, Deep and wide
Jesus' love is deep and wide
By my side, By my side
Jesus is always by my side
By my side, By my side
Jesus is always by my side