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Adam and Eve Bible Scavenger Hunt
Download and enjoy this engaging Bible Scavenger Hunt game with your Children's Ministry, Sunday School, Christian School, or Homeschool group. Children will have a blast racing to find various clues related to Adam and Eve's story.
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The Year Long Bible Scavenger Hunt 52-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
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Bible Scavenger Hunt 12-Week Children's Curriculum
Discovering God's Plan! Scavenger hunts are fun adventures where we search for different things in the hopes we can win the prize. In this series, we’ll be searching for clues from the Bible that will help us find God’s plan. (Each week, the object lesson will be replaced with a Bible hunt. Kids will be given 3 clues to help them find that week’s scripture.” Bible Scavenger Hunt Lessons Overview: MEMORY VERSE: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) LESSONS: “God Made Me in His Image.” Scripture: Genesis 2:5-25 The great news in Genesis isn’t just that God made us. He made us in His image. God made us to be able to create and to love so that we could have a relationship with Him. Objective: Kids will learn, “I am made in God’s image.” “Sin Separated Me from God.” Scripture: Genesis 3:1-11, The Fall God’s creation was perfect - until people messed it up. The first sin separated the first man and woman and everyone since from God. If it wasn’t for God, we would have no hope because of sin. Objective: Kids will learn, “Sin separated me from God.” “God Has a Plan for Me.” Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8, God’s Plan for Isaiah God made each one of us special. We’re made in His image, and He has plans for all of us. If we trust God, He will show us that plan. Objective: Kids will learn, “God made me for a purpose.” “God Made a Plan to Save Me.” Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7 God could have abandoned us to our sin, but He loved us too much. He made a plan to save us, and all throughout the Old Testament, He gave hints about that plan. Objective: Kids will learn, “God had a plan to save the world from sin.” “Jesus is God’s Son.” Scripture: Matthew 16:13-19, The Disciples Identify Jesus. God sent a man named Jesus who fulfilled all the prophecies about God’s plan to save people. He was a great teacher and a miracle worker. More than that, He was God’s Son! Objective: Kids will learn, “Jesus is God’s Son.” “Jesus Died for My Sins.” Scripture: Matthew 27:32-54, The Crucifixion In spite of all the good work Jesus did, the religious leaders became jealous of Him and wanted to kill him. They turned the people against Jesus and had Him crucified. It was all part of God’s plan to save us from sin. When Jesus died, He became the only perfect person to pay the punishment for sins he didn’t commit. By making that sacrifice, Jesus took the punishment for our sins upon Himself. Objective: Kids will learn “Jesus died for my sins.” “Jesus is Alive!” Scripture: Luke 24:13-35, Jesus on the Road to Emmaus Jesus’ followers were confused and disheartened after He died. They didn’t realize it was what Jesus came to do. Jesus rose from the grave to tell them, and us, that He had died to save us from sin. Objective: Kids will learn, “Jesus is alive and defeated death forever!” “God Wants to Forgive Me.” Scripture: John 4:1-26, Jesus and the Woman at the Well Jesus knows we’re not perfect, but He loves us regardless. He wants us to receive Him so He can make us more like Him. We do not have to fix ourselves before we come to Jesus. We receive Jesus, and then He goes to work! Objective: Kids will learn, “I can come to Jesus just as I am, and He can forgive my sins.” “God Gave Me Special Gifts.” Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-14, Special Gifts God knew us before we were born. He created each of us with purpose. Once we give our hearts to Jesus, we receive his Holy Spirit living inside of us. The Holy Spirit helps us to discover and use the special gifts and talents God has given us. These gifts can be used to serve God and serve others in His name. Objective: Kids will learn, “God has given me gifts and abilities to be used for His glory.” “God Wants Me to Love My Family.” Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-3 God gave us our families. Our families are not perfect, but one of God’s most important commands is that we love them. Objective: Kids will learn, “God wants me to love my family.” “God Wants Me to Serve Others.” Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21, Feeding 5000 We may just be kids, but even kids can make an impact on others. God wants us to love and serve others, as the boy who gave up his lunch did. That boy shows us that it’s not about how much we have to give, but rather it’s about giving all that we have to Jesus. Objective: Kids will learn, “God can use me to serve others.” “God Has a Forever Home for Me.” Scripture: Revelation 21:9-27, A New Heaven and Earth God has a forever plan for us. He’s making a new home where we will live with him forever. If we believe in Jesus, we will find that forever home and live with Him for eternity. Objective: Kids will learn, “God is preparing a place for all believers to live with Him forever.” Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Game Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion More! ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 12-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download

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