The Chosen Hub
The Chosen Hub

The Chosen Hub

Presented by Come & See Foundation

The groundbreaking historical drama based on the life of Jesus, The Chosen, is a show like you’ve never seen before and it’s helping people connect to the Gospel in an entirely new way.

The free content in The Chosen Hub allows individuals to take a deeper dive into The Chosen, and also equips leaders with the resources to connect people to the message of the show with video clip downloads, sermon outlines, discussion guides, and more!

Last Supper: Easter with
The Chosen

This Easter, leverage the power of new scenes from Season 5 of The Chosen to bring your congregation into the Upper Room for a seat at the table of the Last Supper, a meal that speaks to the events of Jesus’s life and ministry leading up to it—and everything still to come—showing us that Jesus is the only one who can speak to our deepest needs.


Clashing kingdoms. Rival rulers. The enemies of Jesus close in while His followers struggle to keep up, leaving Him to carry the burden alone. Threatened by the reality of Jesus’ growing influence, religious leaders do the unthinkable—ally with their Roman oppressors. As the seeds of betrayal are planted and opposition to Jesus’ message turns violent, He’s left with no alternative but demand his followers RISE UP.

The Season Four kit provides you with free resources to bring the incredible biblically-based content of The Chosen to your church.

Download sermon outlines, clips, reading plans, and more:


Season Three picks up with Jesus delivering the most famous sermon in history. What follows are the consequences of living out his teachings. The world changes because of this sermon, and the believers in (and enemies of) Jesus increase exponentially. This creates confusion, chaos, and doubt.

The Season Three kit provides you with free resources to bring the incredible biblically-based content of The Chosen to your church.

Download sermon outlines, devotionals, reading plans, and more:


Season Two marks the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. Tension builds among the disciples as they wrestle with the increasing fame of Jesus in Samaria.

The Season Two kit provides you with free resources to bring the incredible biblically-based content of The Chosen to your church.

Download sermon outlines, devotionals, reading plans, and more.


Season One of The Chosen introduces Jesus and the calling of His disciples. A charismatic fisherman drowning in debt, a troubled woman wrestling with real demons. A gifted publican ostracized by his family and his people. A religious leader struggling with his beliefs. See Jesus through the eyes of those that met him.

The Season One kit provides you with free resources to bring the incredible biblically-based content of The Chosen to your church.

Download sermon outlines, devotionals, reading plans, and more.

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Stream how YOU want

Watch free and easy in the new Chosen App.

The official new app gives you full access to Season One through Three and exclusives like our brand new Season 3 Insider Aftershow with cast, Biblical Roundtables, and more. The App is available for free on the App Store, Google Play, and on Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire streaming devices. Search “The Chosen” in “Channels” (Roku) or “App Store” (Apple, FireTV).