State of the Church
State of the Church

State of the Church

Presented by Barna & Gloo

Access curated resource kits that enable church leaders and network leaders to see the state of their organization.
Available Now

ChurchPulse Assessment

Help your churches get a snapshot view of the flourishing of their people and the thriving of their church, while you see a dashboard of your network’s health.


Get a clear picture

Like Nehemiah measuring the wall before rebuilding it, or Jesus saying you don’t build a tower before first counting the cost (Luke 14:28), measurement is a biblical principle to embrace that helps you be a more effective pastor and leader.

Here’s what you can expect:

Increase engagement

Leverage Gloo texting to better engage your network with content, polls, communications, and more.

Visualize your network

Using the custom link generator, you can invite your churches to claim they’re a part of your network.

Network health rollup

See your network’s overall health across the dimensions of flourishing and thriving and know where to go next.

Equip your leaders

Cast fresh vision

Learn the heart behind the 7 Dimensions of Human Flourishing and 15 Dimensions of Church Thriving so that you can equip your leaders.

The 7 Dimensions of Human Flourishing

A PDF one sheet and slide deck for you to share and present.

The 15 Dimensions of Church Thriving

A PDF one sheet and slide deck for you to share and present.

Stay informed

Become an insider

Be the first to get access to the new assessment experience, resources curated to help you deploy, new research, and news.