Save these videos, creative assets, guides, walkthroughs and more for your own use
Follow up plan
Best practices for sharing the results back with your congregation, staff, and elders.
Announcement Scripts
Announcement scripts for you to read during your services.
Email and text templates
Copy and paste language to send via email or text message.
Graphics Bundle
Create your custom promotional slides with Photoshop, Powerpoint, and Canva.
New Guest Blueprint
The New Guest Blueprint helps you create a simple system for welcoming and retaining new guests. It provides proven strategies and practical tools to streamline the process, fostering stronger relationships and improving retention. This ebook Includes - Strategies and Tips for Engagement - Ready to use Workflows
Why Do I Eat?
Tackles the reasons why we tend to overeat, they are often emotional and not physical. Food is intended to be fuel and nutrition, not to fill our emotional longings or quench our spiritual needs.
Healthy Living Recipe E-Book
Explore Healthy Recipes to Transform Your Life
Healthy Living E-Book
Explore Exercise and Nutrition Tips to Transform your Life
Today is the Day!
Quick guide to getting started on overall physical and nutritional health journey.
Exercise is Medicine
Exercise is Medicine—Be Proactive!
Nutrition Excellence Made Simple
Simple guide to eating a nutrient-dense diet
Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine is the evidence-based practice of helping people adopt and sustain healthy behaviors that affect health and quality of life.
Bodily Stewardship
Bodily stewardship fosters the idea that our health is a gift from the Lord. As a gift, it’s our job to nurture and protect it.
Who's Who | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
I Have Called You By Name | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
The Thing That Happened In Between | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Power Over The Powers | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Hurdles and Harbingers | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Sent | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Be Still | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
The Clearly Best | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Season 4 Episode Eight | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Season 4 Episode Seven | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Season 4 Episode Six | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Season 4 Episode Five | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Keep Your Sermon Alive All Week with AI & Texting
Extend Your Engagement Past Sunday with
Keeping Volunteer Motivation High
Resources that enrich volunteer engagement.
Lead Smarter, Not Harder: Using AI
Translate Church Visits into Action with AI
Increase Engagement with Groups
Build Stronger Small Groups - Activate Texting, Engage
See Prayer in Action: Unlock Prayer Engagement At Your Church
See Prayer in Action Tips to help your team grow!
Wild Hope Devotional for Mothers
Embracing the Untamed Beauty, Fun, Passion & Vitality of Motherhood
Season 4 Episode Four | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Season 4 Episode Three | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Season 4 Episode Two | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Season 4 Episode One | Discussion Guide
Dive deeper into Season 4 of The Chosen with your group!
Stop Traffic Walk Human Trafficking Facts
Facts on human trafficking
How To Host A Stop Traffic Walk to end human trafficking
Full resources to host your own community Stop Traffic Walk.
A Family Safety Guide to Human Trafficking
How to educate and prevent against human trafficking.
Course Slides Download
Download the slides for What Ministry Leaders Need to Know About AI
Share the Dream® Family Devotional Resources
Share the Dream® Family 7-day devotional
Share the Dream® Sunday Guides
All you need to host a Share the Dream® Sunday and lead the Bible study
Share the Dream® Sunday Teaching Resources
Sermon outline to preach on the love in action
Share the Dream® Sunday Digital Graphics
Social media & email tools to reach out about Share the Dream® Sunday
Share the Dream® Printable Resources
Communicate Share the Dream® Sunday to your congregation and community
Share the Dream® Sunday PowerPoint Slides
MLK quote and resource feature to utilize for Share the Dream® Sunday
Guest Experience Secret Shopper Checklist
Make sure you’re prepared to welcome guests at your church.
First Impressions Bundle
10 editable connection card samples and 4 PDF guides by Greg Atkinson.
Facebook for Pastors EBook
Build relationships and connect with people using this social network.
Pastors Guide: Avoiding Donor Development Mistakes
An essential guide to avoiding common mistakes in fundraising.
How to Connect Personally when You Can’t Know Everyone
A guide to leading a growing church to help your congregation connect.
Gearing up for Fall Giving
Fall is the perfect time to connect with your congregation on giving.
Know & Grow Your Church
Check your church’s health & get poised for outreach & healthy growth.
Re-energize Volunteer Momentum
Re-energize your volunteers with these simple tools and ideas.
America’s Largest Faith Group: The Faithless
A study on American belief in a higher power but opposition to faith.
Beliefs about God & Jesus in American Communities
A study on how American beliefs translate into real life.
Changing Behaviors within Communities of Faith
A study on changing behaviors of people in churches & how to help them
Meeting Community Needs
A study on what people really need so you meet them where they are.
Social & Moral Attitudes within Faith Communities
A study to understand the relationship between beliefs & behaviors.
Understanding Our Communities
A dive deep into American communities & what they could be.
Coffee Service Maintenance
A teachable one-pager for serving high-quality coffee.
Bottlenecks in Coffee Service
A teachable one-pager addressing wait times for coffee drinkers.
Sunday Funday
A teachable One Pager for lifting church-goers' sabbath spirits.
Inward vs. Outward Focus
A teachable one-pager for service and guest hospitality in the Church.
7-Minutes to Make an Impression on First-Time Guests
A one-pager on how to maximize the first impression of your church.
Discovery Through the Actions of Jesus
A teachable one-pager reflecting on Christ’s acts of (customer) service.
3 Practical Steps for Welcoming Guests
A teachable one-pager for implementing welcoming behaviors.
Greeter Team Essentials
A teachable one-pager for the greeters at your church.
First Impressions: Spotting the First-Time Visitor
A teachable one-pager for identifying the needs of a first impression
Keeping Volunteer Motivations High
A teachable one-pager for inspiring your volunteers.
Volunteer Meeting Checklist
A teachable one-ager for structuring volunteer leadership.
Connecting Volunteers to the Church Mission
A teachable one-pager for keeping missional alignment.
Volunteer Appreciation Night
A teachable one-pager for recognition and team building.
Recruitment: Growing the Volunteer Group
A teachable one-pager for building a purposeful church team.
The Pastor’s AI Toolbox
An overview of some of the available AI resources for pastors.
The Art of Engagement | Reflection Questions
Thoughtfully reflect on the following questions that accompany each session of The Art of Engagement.
The Art of Engagement | Application Guide
Utilize this Application Guide to create your Art of Engagement Plan.
The Send | Sunday Talking Points
Suggested stage talking points for The Send gatherings.
The Send | Social Media Graphics
Social media graphics to promote The Send gatherings.
The Send | Screen Graphics
Download and promote The Send gatherings with screen graphics.
The Send | Guest Lineup
Download and promote the guest lineup for The Send gatherings.
A Look at Generation Z
A Barna study on what is shaping the next generation of young people.
Holistic Small Group Discipleship
Learn about the power & potential of small-group discipleship.
Decision Day
Learn about the importance of decision day.
Trends in the Black Church
An extensive study led by Barna Group on the Black Church in the US.
White Paper: AI in the Service of the Bible
A paper on the use of AI technology to further the gospel.
Church Mental Health Readiness Next Steps
The next steps for your church's level of mental health readiness.
Worthy To Follow | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Come To The Well | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Do You See Me? | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Pool's Closed | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
Just At The Edges | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen.
5+2=5,000 | Sermon Outline
A basic sermon outline based on clips from The Chosen show.
Worthy To Follow | Short Devotional
A short devotional based on an episode clip from The Chosen.
Come To The Well | Short Devotional
A short devotional based on an episode clip from The Chosen.
Do You See Me? | Short Devotional
A short devotional based on an episode clip from The Chosen.
Pool's Closed | Short Devotional
A short devotional based on an episode clip from The Chosen.
5&2 | Short Devotional
A short devotional based on an episode clip from The Chosen show.
Just At The Edges | Short Devotional
A short devotional based on an episode clip from The Chosen.
3 Simple Outreach Ideas for Your Congregation
Deploy these resources for your church to engage in summer outreach.
TRUST Live! Interview
Dr. Henry Cloud interviews Duck Dynasty stars on the topic of trust.
Team Involvement
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses team involvement.
How To Foster Teamwork
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses fostering teamwork successfully.
Hurt Feelings That are No One’s Fault
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses navigating hurt feelings.
Trust Between Peers
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses trust between peers.
Breaking Trust
Dr. Henry Cloud on breaking trust and the implications that can have.
Benefits of Trust
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses the benefits of trust.
The Necessity of Trust
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses trust’s importance in relationships & life.
How to Build Trust
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses how to build trust.
Cultivate Accountability
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses how to cultivate accountability for yourself.
Grace & Truth in Parenting
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses how vital grace & truth are in parenting.
Trust in Marriage
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses the key foundation of trust in marriage.
Honesty in Marriage
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses the importance & role of honesty in marriage
Trust Next Steps
Dr. Henry Cloud recaps life’s layers to trust and trustworthiness.
Trust & Track Record
Dr. Cloud discusses how a person’s past informs our decision to trust.
Trust & Character
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses how character impacts trustworthiness.
Capability & Capacity
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses capability & capacity's roles in trust.
Intent & Motive
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses intent and motive's impact on trust.
Trust & Connecting
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses the part that trust plays in connecting.
Trust Fuels Investment
Dr. Henry Cloud discusses the investment that trust is.
Introduction to Trust
Dr. Henry Cloud introduces leaders to the importance of trust.
TRUST Companion Journal
A journal resource to use with Dr. Henry Cloud’s book, TRUST.
Chapter 1 of TRUST
The first chapter of Dr. Henry Cloud’s newest book TRUST.
How to Use Social Media to Invite Somebody to Church
Social media is powerful! How can you leverage it for invitation?
Explorer Felt Needs: Understanding Anxiety
Download this guide to better understand the felt need of anxiety.
Explorer Felt Needs: Understanding Loneliness
Download this guide to better understand the felt need of loneliness.
Explorer Felt Needs: Understanding Grief and Loss
Download this guide to better understand the felt needs of grief & loss.
Explorer Felt Needs: Understanding Sadness
Download this guide to better understand the felt need of sadness.
Explorer Felt Needs: Understanding Stress
Download this guide to better understand the felt need of stress.
Explorer Felt Needs: Relationship and Marital Issues
Download this guide to better understand relationship & marital issues.
Explorer Felt Needs: Understanding Chronic Illness
Better understand the felt need of chronic illness with this guide.
State of Mental and Behavioral Health
Your guide to the current state of mental and behavioral health.
Presenting the First Responder Program to Church Leadership
Getting church leadership onboard with the MHC First Responder Program.
Crest Books Guide through Evangelism
Crest Books is The Salvation Army’s chosen publisher!
How to Follow Up Gospel Conversations
Getting seekers & new believers into the Bible and into community.
Building an Evangelistic Culture in Your Church
Key practices of churches that have developed a culture of evangelism.
Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations
Learn to articulate the big idea of the Bible & lead people to Jesus.
Learning and Teaching the 3 Circles
A tool for turning everyday conversations into gospel conversations.
The Portland Report
We asked 50 Portland pastors about evangelism. Here’s what we found.
Gathering E-Teams Effectively
This resource covers the ins & outs of E-Team gatherings & next steps.
Am I the Right Leader for Our E-Team?
A guide for potential E-Team leaders through a time of reflection.
Forming Your Dream E-Team
This resource details the roles of a core E-Team and advisory board.
Who’s on an Evangelism Team?
This resource details the qualifications of the members of an E-Team.
What is an Evangelism Team?
The definition and mission of City Gospel Movements’ E-Teams.
Unsaid: Why Community Service Alone Isn’t Enough
Why, what, & how of prioritizing evangelism in City Gospel Movements.
5 Attitudes for Church Unity
Help E-Team members strategize for the unity of their region.
What is a Gospel Movement?
Learn about City Gospel Movements and what makes them effective.