Kid's Core Curriculum

    Books of the Bible 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
    Shift Worship
    Books of the Bible 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

    Teach Kids All 66 Books of the Bible! Each week kids will learn about a few books of the Bible along with some simple hand motions to help them remember what each book is about. The goal is that by the end of the 12 weeks, kids will be able to say all 66 books of the Bible from memory and have a general idea of what each book is about.


    Non-member $97.00
    The Year Long Bible Journey 52-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    The Year Long Bible Journey 52-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

    This comprehensive curriculum takes children on a captivating journey through the Bible, covering every book from Genesis to Revelation. Over the course of a year, kids will delve into the stories of God, His people, and His Son, Jesus, through engaging skits, games, and crafts. The Year-Long Bible Journey 52-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum not only teaches children about the nature of God, but also imparts His commandments to guide their lives. Join us on this enlightening and enjoyable adventure! About This Curriculum: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 52-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion


    Non-member $197.00
    Bubbles 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum
    Shift Worship
    Bubbles 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum

    Kids love bubbles. They are endlessly fascinating to look at, to blow, and to pop. In this series, preschoolers will play with bubbles, and through their play learn some important lessons about the love of Jesus.


    Non-member $75.00
    The Year Long Bible Hero Adventure 52-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    The Year Long Bible Hero Adventure 52-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

    This year-long curriculum examines the lives of 12 heroes of the Bible. Their courage shows us how we can be bold for Jesus. Their faith shows us how to live for Jesus. And their failures show us how Jesus can love anyone and use anyone for God's kingdom. About This Curriculum Perfect for kids ages 6-12 52-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion More!


    Non-member $197.00
    The Life Of Jesus 12- Week Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    The Life Of Jesus 12- Week Curriculum

    Lessons Overview: Teach kids that we can follow Jesus’ example and live as He did! In this 12-week series, kids will study Jesus' life from beginning to end to get a better understanding of who Jesus is and why we can trust him as our Savior. It includes a series of interactive lessons focusing on various aspects of Jesus' life, from his humble birth through his teachings, miracles, and selfless sacrifice. Each lesson offers a unique memory verse and Bible story to make learning more interactive. MEMORY VERSE: “Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” John 14:6 (NIrV) LESSONS: Jesus Was Born – Jesus came to earth as a baby born to parents who were so poor that he had to be born in a barn for animals. Because Jesus is God’s son, he deserved to be born in the nicest palace to the richest family. But by choosing to let his son be born in a barn, God showed us that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done, God loves you and sent Jesus for you. Luke 2:1-20, The Birth of Jesus Jesus Studied God’s Word – Jesus set an example for kids by studying God’s Word. Even though he was the son of God, he still studied God’s word to learn what it says and obeyed what God taught him. Luke 2:41-52, The Boy Jesus in the Temple Jesus Was Obedient – John the Baptist told other people about the coming Savior. When Jesus came to him to be baptized, John knew that the Savior arrived. Kids will learn that Jesus set an example for us by being obedient to God when he was baptized. Jesus taught us that we show God we love Him when we obey Him. Matthew 3:1-17, The Baptism of Jesus Jesus Never Sinned – Every single one of us has sinned at some point when we were tempted. As the Son of God, Jesus is the only person in history who lived a perfect life without sin. Kids will learn that with Jesus' help, we can resist temptation too. Luke 4:1-13, The Temptation of Jesus. Jesus Called His Disciples – When Jesus began his ministry, he asked 12 men to be his disciples and to follow in his footsteps and learn from his teaching and his actions. Kids will learn that even today Jesus wants us to be his disciples and commit to following him by obeying what he has taught us in the Bible. Mark 1:16-20, Calling the First Disciples Jesus Preached – Jesus gave many sermons during his ministry, teaching people a different way to live and telling them that we could never do enough good things to go to heaven, but that God loves us and will forgive our sins if we will believe in Jesus as our Savior. Kids will identify something they would have to do differently to live like Jesus describes in this sermon. Matthew 5:1-16, The Sermon on the Mount Jesus Calmed a Storm – When a storm threatened to sink the small boat that Jesus and the disciples were sailing in, Jesus commanded the storm to stop. And it did! We can trust Jesus with any problem, because He is powerful. Kids will name something that they want to ask and trust God to help them with. Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms the Storm Jesus Healed – Because of his great love and compassion, Jesus healed many people that He encountered during his time on earth. One of them was a man who did not have the ability to walk. Kids will learn that Jesus loves us and cares about each of us. Luke 5:17-26, Jesus Heals a Paralytic Jesus Came To Bring Peace – When Jesus entered Jerusalem the week before he was crucified, he rode on a donkey. The donkey was a symbol of a king who came in peace. Jesus showed us that he came in peace to let the world know how much God loves us. Kids will name one way that knowing Jesus loves them gives them peace right now. Matthew 21:1-11, The Triumphal Entry Jesus Paid the Price for Sin – Jesus was arrested even though he had done nothing wrong. He was sentenced to die a very painful death on the cross. We have all sinned and don’t deserve to be in Heaven with God. Jesus was the only person who never sinned and deserved to go to heaven without dying, but he chose to die in this way to pay the price for our sin so we could go to heaven too. Kids will thank God for dying for their sin. Matthew 26:47-56, Luke 23:32-47, Jesus Arrest and Crucifixion Jesus Rose from the Dead! – Jesus died for our sins, but on the third day He was raised back to life in power! Kids will learn that because Jesus paid the price for our sin and has power over sin and death we can live forever with him in heaven. Kids will be given an opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior. John 20:1-23, The Resurrection Jesus Will Return – Jesus told his followers that he would be coming back to earth, but that their job and our job until then was to to tell people how much God loves them, and to make new disciples of Jesus. Jesus wants us to share the good news of Jesus with other people so that when he returns to earth there will be many more people who believe that He is the Savior. Kids will name 1 person they are going to invite to church to hear about Jesus this week. Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission About This Curriculum: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 12-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion More!


    Non-member $97.00
    Fruit of the Spirit 9-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Fruit of the Spirit 9-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

    Teach Kids The Fruit of the Spirit! The tree doesn't TRY to grow fruit; it grows naturally as long as the tree has plenty of water and sunlight. The tree spends it’s time trying to reach down for water and reach up for sunlight and the fruit comes as a result. In the same way, when we focus on trusting in God and filling our mind and heart with God’s Word, the fruit of the Spirit will start to naturally be seen in our life. Fruit of the Spirit Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview MEMORY VERSE: “But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind.” Galatians 5:22-23 LESSONS: Love – The Bible says that “God is love.” When we live by His Spirit, we will be like Jesus and do things out of love for others instead just doing things for ourselves. Luke 15:1-7, The Parable of the Lost Sheep Joy – True, lasting joy can only come from knowing we have eternal life by believing in Jesus and accepting him as our Lord and Savior. Luke 24:50-53, The Ascension Peace – Peace isn't just about feeling calm; we need to be peacemakers, helping people find peace in the midst of conflict. 1 Samuel 25:1-35, Abigail Creates Peace Patience – Sometimes we want things done on our schedule, but we need to be patient and realize it’s ok for others to go first and realize that sometimes waiting is part of God’s plan. Genesis 21:1-7, The Birth of Isaac Kindness – God is filled with loving kindness, and when we are filled up with God, we will show kindness to others whether or not they deserve it. 2 Samuel 9, David and Mephibosheth Goodness – Any goodness we have comes from God. We need to remember that we are naturally sinful, but that we can do good things when we choose to live God’s way. Mark 2:1-12, Jesus Heals and Forgives Faithfulness – When we commit to doing something and don’t quit until it’s done, we are showing faithfulness. When we always choose to make the right choice, even when tempted to do wrong, we are showing faithfulness. With help from the Holy Spirit, we can be faithful to God. 1 Samuel 24, David Spares Saul's Life Gentleness – Gentleness may sound weak, but it actually takes more strength to be gentle. Displaying gentleness to others means that we are considerate of other people and treat them with love and respect even if they don’t treat us the same way. Jesus is our perfect example of gentleness that is also strong and bold. Matthew 11:25-30, Rest for the Weary Self-Control – Self-control means exactly what it sounds like, controlling one's self. It means we are able to tell ourselves and others no when we may be tempted to do wrong. While the other young men in the king's court indulged in whatever they liked, Daniel and his friends exhibited self-control and they were blessed because of it. Daniel 1:1-17, Daniel's Training ______ EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Game Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 9-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download


    Non-member $97.00
    Bible Science 6-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Bible Science 6-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

    Bible Science Lessons For Sunday School! God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Pure science will always point us back to our loving Creator. These 6 Bible lessons use an actual science experiment to help teach each lesson. Bible Science Lessons Overview: MEMORY VERSE: “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” Job 5:9 (NIV) LESSONS: Soda Geyser – With this experiment kids will see an explosion of liquid as the amount of soda seems to grow and grow. Kids will learn that with Jesus we will always have all that we need. John 6:1-13, Jesus Feeds Five ThousandLava Lamp – With this experiment kids will make a relaxing, groovy lava lamp. Kids will learn that Jesus wants us to take time to relax and spend time with him. Luke 10:38-42, Mary and MarthaMagnetic Slime – With this experiment kids will create a slime that is irresistibly drawn to magnets. Kids will learn that God draws us to an irresistible life with Jesus. Matthew 4:18-22, Calling the First DisciplesExploding Lunch Bag – With this experiment kids will learn how a chemical reaction can cause things to get out of control. Kids will learn that even when life seems totally out of control, Jesus can deliver us. Mark 5:1-20, Jesus Heals A Demon-Possessed Man.Balancing Act – With this experiment kids will balance hex nuts in a seemingly impossible way. Kids will learn that when we put our faith in Jesus, the impossible becomes possible. Matthew 14:22-36, Jesus Walks On WaterPotato Battery – With this experiment kids will learn that even an object as simple as a potato can possess power. Kids will learn when we rely on Jesus he will give us the power to do great things. Acts 3:1-10, Peter Heals A Crippled Beggar EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything. Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!" Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to easily connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest. Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!) Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson. Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together! Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor. Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school :( ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 6-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download


    Non-member $97.00
    Bible Scavenger Hunt 12-Week Children's Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Bible Scavenger Hunt 12-Week Children's Curriculum

    Discovering God's Plan! Scavenger hunts are fun adventures where we search for different things in the hopes we can win the prize. In this series, we’ll be searching for clues from the Bible that will help us find God’s plan. (Each week, the object lesson will be replaced with a Bible hunt. Kids will be given 3 clues to help them find that week’s scripture.” Bible Scavenger Hunt Lessons Overview: MEMORY VERSE: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) LESSONS: “God Made Me in His Image.” Scripture: Genesis 2:5-25 The great news in Genesis isn’t just that God made us. He made us in His image. God made us to be able to create and to love so that we could have a relationship with Him. Objective: Kids will learn, “I am made in God’s image.” “Sin Separated Me from God.” Scripture: Genesis 3:1-11, The Fall God’s creation was perfect - until people messed it up. The first sin separated the first man and woman and everyone since from God. If it wasn’t for God, we would have no hope because of sin. Objective: Kids will learn, “Sin separated me from God.” “God Has a Plan for Me.” Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8, God’s Plan for Isaiah God made each one of us special. We’re made in His image, and He has plans for all of us. If we trust God, He will show us that plan. Objective: Kids will learn, “God made me for a purpose.” “God Made a Plan to Save Me.” Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7 God could have abandoned us to our sin, but He loved us too much. He made a plan to save us, and all throughout the Old Testament, He gave hints about that plan. Objective: Kids will learn, “God had a plan to save the world from sin.” “Jesus is God’s Son.” Scripture: Matthew 16:13-19, The Disciples Identify Jesus. God sent a man named Jesus who fulfilled all the prophecies about God’s plan to save people. He was a great teacher and a miracle worker. More than that, He was God’s Son! Objective: Kids will learn, “Jesus is God’s Son.” “Jesus Died for My Sins.” Scripture: Matthew 27:32-54, The Crucifixion In spite of all the good work Jesus did, the religious leaders became jealous of Him and wanted to kill him. They turned the people against Jesus and had Him crucified. It was all part of God’s plan to save us from sin. When Jesus died, He became the only perfect person to pay the punishment for sins he didn’t commit. By making that sacrifice, Jesus took the punishment for our sins upon Himself. Objective: Kids will learn “Jesus died for my sins.” “Jesus is Alive!” Scripture: Luke 24:13-35, Jesus on the Road to Emmaus Jesus’ followers were confused and disheartened after He died. They didn’t realize it was what Jesus came to do. Jesus rose from the grave to tell them, and us, that He had died to save us from sin. Objective: Kids will learn, “Jesus is alive and defeated death forever!” “God Wants to Forgive Me.” Scripture: John 4:1-26, Jesus and the Woman at the Well Jesus knows we’re not perfect, but He loves us regardless. He wants us to receive Him so He can make us more like Him. We do not have to fix ourselves before we come to Jesus. We receive Jesus, and then He goes to work! Objective: Kids will learn, “I can come to Jesus just as I am, and He can forgive my sins.” “God Gave Me Special Gifts.” Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-14, Special Gifts God knew us before we were born. He created each of us with purpose. Once we give our hearts to Jesus, we receive his Holy Spirit living inside of us. The Holy Spirit helps us to discover and use the special gifts and talents God has given us. These gifts can be used to serve God and serve others in His name. Objective: Kids will learn, “God has given me gifts and abilities to be used for His glory.” “God Wants Me to Love My Family.” Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-3 God gave us our families. Our families are not perfect, but one of God’s most important commands is that we love them. Objective: Kids will learn, “God wants me to love my family.” “God Wants Me to Serve Others.” Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21, Feeding 5000 We may just be kids, but even kids can make an impact on others. God wants us to love and serve others, as the boy who gave up his lunch did. That boy shows us that it’s not about how much we have to give, but rather it’s about giving all that we have to Jesus. Objective: Kids will learn, “God can use me to serve others.” “God Has a Forever Home for Me.” Scripture: Revelation 21:9-27, A New Heaven and Earth God has a forever plan for us. He’s making a new home where we will live with him forever. If we believe in Jesus, we will find that forever home and live with Him for eternity. Objective: Kids will learn, “God is preparing a place for all believers to live with Him forever.” Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Game Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion More! ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 12-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download


    Non-member $97.00
    VBS Curriculum - Bible Boot Camp “The Armor of God”
    Children's Ministry Deals
    VBS Curriculum - Bible Boot Camp “The Armor of God”

    With this Curriculum, you can take your kids to Bible boot camp in any season. Download and print off this curriculum to use in your ministry. “The Armor of God” curriculum is based on Ephesians 6:11-18. Curriculum Includes Admin Manual Teacher Handbook Activity Books Revised Activity Books for Younger Kids Lesson Plans Craft Ideas and more! Perfect for kids ages 6-12 RECOMMENDATIONS 8-Week Children’s Ministry Curriculum - Put on the Armor of God


    Non-member $97.00
    Incredible Faith 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Incredible Faith 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

    God does incredible things when we put our faith in Him From beginning to end the Bible is filled with incredible stories of heroes whose faith in God allowed them to be used by God to save the day. This series will focus on 12 people in the Bible who showed INCREDIBLE faith. Kids will learn that they can put their faith in God, because he is worthy of our trust. Incredible Faith Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview MEMORY VERSE: “Lord who rules over all, blessed is the person who trusts in you.” Psalm 84:12 NIRV LESSONS: Ark Man – God asked Noah to build an ark. He told Noah that he was going to flood the whole world, and he wanted to save Noah’s family. Noah had never seen a flood like this, but he obeyed God because he trusted God’s plan. Kids will learn that having faith means trusting that God has a plan. Genesis 7:6-18, 8:15-22, Noah's Ark Mr. Obedient – God asked Abram (who became Abraham) to move to a new place and Abraham obeyed immediately. Kids will learn that having faith means we obey God. Genesis 12:1-4 Abram moves to a new place Professor Positive – Joseph chose to have faith that God had a plan and purpose for his life even when things seemed hopeless. Kids will learn that faith means trusting God even when bad things happen. Genesis 41:9-40 (may also reference 37:26-28 39:20-23) Captain Commandments – Moses had faith that God would take care of his people, even when they were trapped between an army and a large sea. Kids will learn that they can encourage others to trust God when they are afraid. Exodus 14:13-22 God splits the Red Sea Princess of Protection – The Israelite spies were in danger of being caught and killed until Rahab stepped in and saved them. Kids will learn that when we have faith, God will use us to help others. Joshua 2:2-21, Rahab and the Spies Mr. 300 Man Army – Gideon had a small army, but God had a plan to confuse the enemy and give Gideon the victory. Kids will learn that when we put our faith in God, nothing he asks us to do is impossible. Judges 7:1-22, Gideon Defeats the Midianites Giant Slayer – He may have been just a kid, but David saved a whole nation from a giant and the entire Philistine army. He did this because he believed that God was stronger than anything. Kids will learn that they can serve God today, no matter their size. 1 Samuel 17:32-49, David and Goliath The Fire Trio - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had faith in God that was so strong they were willing to die to do what’s right. Kids will learn that having faith means we can trust God even if it means things don’t go the way we want them to right now. Daniel 3:8-27 The fiery furnace Lion Man – Daniel had faith that God would take care of him if he chose to do the right thing by continuing to pray, even though the king said it was against the law. God rewarded Daniel’s faith and protected him from a den of hungry lions. Kids will learn that having faith means we choose to do what God says is right no matter what. Daniel 6:10-23 Daniel and the lions’ den Bravery Girl – When Esther's people were in trouble, she chose to stand up and be brave. Kids will learn that having faith in God means they can make the choice to do what’s right even when it’s scary. Esther 4:8-17, and 5:1-3, Esther's Request Builder Man – God called Nehemiah to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, and Nehemiah obeyed even when faced with great opposition. Kids will learn that we must keep doing God’s work, even when people make fun of us. Nehemiah 4:1-18, Nehemiah Faces Opposition The Mightiest Hero of All – Jesus is the greatest example of faith because he trusted God’s plan no matter what. When he prayed in the garden he showed that he trusted God completely even when he knew obeying God meant he would have to die to save the world. Kids will learn when we put our faith in Jesus and ask him to be our Savior we can have an incredible future because of what Jesus did. Matthew 26:36-46, Jesus prays in the Garden EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Craft Activity Game Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 6-12 12-weeks Includes large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download


    Non-member $97.00
    The Life of Jesus 12-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    The Life of Jesus 12-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum

    We can follow Jesus' example and live as he did. In this 12-week series, children will explore the life of Jesus from start to finish, gaining a deeper understanding of his identity and why we can rely on him as our Savior. Let's teach kids the significance of following Jesus' footsteps and living a life that reflects his teachings. The Life of Jesus Preschool Ministry Curriculum Overview: Memory Verse: “Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life.'” John 14:6b (NIrV) Lessons: Jesus Was Born Scripture: Luke 2:1-20, The Birth of Jesus Objective: Little ones will learn that “Jesus could have done anything, but he chose to be a little kid just like me because he loves me”. Jesus Studied God’s Word Scripture: Luke 2:41-52, The Boy Jesus in the Temple Objective: Little ones will learn that “I can study the Bible, just like Jesus did.” Jesus Was Obedient Scripture: Matthew 3:1-17, The Baptism of Jesus Objective: Little ones will learn that “when I obey God, I’m showing that I love God.” Jesus Never Sinned Scripture: Luke 4:1-13, The Temptation of Jesus. Objective: Little ones will learn that “Jesus never did anything wrong, and he can help us to make right choices.” Jesus Called His Disciples Scripture: Mark 1:14-20, Calling the First Disciples Objective: Little ones will learn that “I can follow Jesus, by obeying the Bible.” Jesus Preached Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16, The Sermon on the Mount Salt and Light Objective: Little ones will learn that “when I tell people that Jesus loves them, I’m helping make their life brighter, like a light in a dark room.” Jesus Calmed a Storm Scripture: Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms the Storm Objective: Little ones will learn that “I can ask God for help when I’m afraid.” Jesus Healed Scripture: Luke 5:17-26, Jesus Heals a Paralytic Objective: Little ones will learn that “I can ask God for help when I’m in need or someone I know needs help.” Jesus Came To Bring Peace Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11, The Triumphal Entry Objective: Little ones will name one way that knowing Jesus loves them gives them peace right now. Jesus Paid the Price for Sin Scripture: Matthew 26:47-56, Luke 23:32-47, Jesus Arrest and Crucifixion Objective: Little ones will learn that “Jesus took the punishment for every time I’ve made a bad choice.” Jesus Rose from the Dead! Scripture: John 20:1-23, The Resurrection Objective: Little ones will learn that “I can trust Jesus to be my friend forever.” Jesus Will Return Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission Objective: Little ones will name 1 person they are going to tell about Jesus this week. About This Curriculum: Perfect for kids ages 1-5 12-weeks Includes both large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Sunday School Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion Special Lesson for 1 and 2-Year-Olds More!


    Non-member $97.00
    Talking With God 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Talking With God 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum

    Teach Preschoolers to Pray. When we pray, we are communicating with God in a similar manner to how we talk to our parents. Through prayer, we have the opportunity to express gratitude for the blessings we have received, seek guidance and assistance, and find comfort in times of fear and uncertainty. Talking with God Preschool Ministry Curriculum Overview: Memory Verse: “Never stop praying.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIrV) Thank God – Kids will learn that they can thank God for all the wonderful things he has done for them. Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Men Ask For Help – Kids will learn that they can ask God for help always. Daniel 6:10-23, Daniel In The Den Of Lions Talk To Him When You're Scared – Kids will learn that they can talk to God whenever they are scared – he loves us and will help us not be scared anymore. Jonah 1:17-2:2, Jonah Prays From Inside A Fish Pray For Others – Kids will learn that they don't just pray for themselves but for others as well. Acts 12:1-17, Church Prays For Peter In Prison About This Curriculum: Perfect for kids ages 1-5 4-weeks Includes both large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Sunday School Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion Special Lesson for 1 and 2 Year Olds More!


    Non-member $75.00
    Fruit Of The Spirit 9-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Fruit Of The Spirit 9-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum

    Teach Preschoolers The Fruit Of The Spirit The fruit of the spirit is food for our hearts, empowering us to love as Jesus did. In the 9-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum, children will commit to memory all nine Fruit of the Spirit. Fruit of the Spirit Preschool Ministry Curriculum Overview: Memory Verse: “But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy, and peace. It is being patient, kind, and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself.” Galatians 5:22-23a (NIRV) Love Luke 10:25-27 Objective: Little ones will learn, “I can love others because God loves me.” Joy Romans 15:13 Objective: Little ones will learn, “Jesus gives me joy.” Peace Matthew 5:9 Objective: Little ones will learn, “Peace means getting along with others.” Patience Isaiah 40:31 Objective: Little ones will say, “God can help me be patient.” Kindness Ephesians 4:32 Objective: Little ones will learn, “I will be kind to others.” Goodness Matthew 5:16 Objective: Little ones will learn, “I will do something good for someone this week.” Faithfulness 2 Thessalonians 3:3 Objective: Little ones will learn, “I will be faithful to God.” Gentleness Proverbs 15:1 Objective: Little ones will learn, “God can help me be gentle.” Self-Control Psalm 119:11 Objective: Little ones will learn, “God can give me self-control.” About This Curriculum: Perfect for kids ages 1-5 9-weeks Includes both large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download Each Lesson Includes: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Sunday School Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion Special Lesson for 1 and 2-Year-Olds More!


    Non-member $97.00
    Books of the Bible 12-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Books of the Bible 12-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum

    Teach Preschoolers About The Books of the Bible! Each week preschoolers will learn about a few books of the Bible along with some simple hand motions to help them remember what each book is about. The goal is that by the end of the 12 weeks, little ones will be able to say all 66 books of the Bible from memory and have a general idea of what each book is about. Books of the Bible Lessons Overview: MEMORY VERSE: "God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right." 2 Timothy 3:16 NIrV LESSONS: Take Up Your Sword!Scripture: Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17Objective: Preschoolers will learn how many books are in the Bible(66), how many are in the Old Testament(39), and how many are in the New Testament(27).The First 5!Scripture: Genesis 17:1-8, God’s covenant with AbrahamObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the first 5 books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.All That History!Scripture: Joshua 24:14-22, Joshua’s charge to the peopleObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the next 12 books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and EstherGet Smart!Scripture: Proverbs 1:20-33, Listen to WisdomObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the next 5 books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of SolomonKind of a BIG DealScripture: Isaiah 9:1-7, Isaiah predicts the coming MessiahObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the next 5 books: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.Minor Leaguers Scripture: Zechariah 1:1-6Objective: Preschoolers will memorize the next 12 books and be able to say all the books in the Old Testament: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.The Books About Jesus!Scripture: John 3:16-17, Jesus sums up his life’s missionObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the next 4 books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and JohnHistory Again!Scripture: Acts 9:1-19, Saul’s ConversionObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the next book: ActsDear PastorScripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Church divisions over leadersObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the next 7 books: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians.Paul’s Pen PalsScripture: Philemon 8-21, Paul’s instructions regarding a runaway slave who is now a ChristianObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the next 6 books: 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.Heaven Sounds Awesome!Scripture: Revelation 21:1-7, A New Heaven and EarthObjective: Preschoolers will memorize the last 9 books: Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and RevelationRoute 66Scripture: Philippians 2:1-11, Having the mind of ChristObjective:Preschoolers will be able to say all 66 Books of the Bible ABOUT THIS CURRICULUM: Perfect for kids ages 1-5 12-weeks Includes both large group and small group resources This curriculum is an instant download EACH LESSON INCLUDES: Make It Stick! Parent Sheet Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Sunday School Craft Activity Large Group Lesson Small Group Discussion Special Lesson for 1 and 2 Year Olds


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    Free Books of the Bible Scavenger Hunt
    Children's Ministry Deals
    Free Books of the Bible Scavenger Hunt

    Join us for a thrilling adventure with our FREE Books of the Bible Scavenger Hunt! This exciting activity is perfect for Children's Ministry, Sunday School, Christian School, or Homeschool. Watch as kids eagerly search for different books of the Bible, testing their speed and knowledge. Print and play now for an engaging and educational experience!


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    FREE VBS Alternative - Pool Party, Make a Splash With Jesus!
    Children's Ministry Deals
    FREE VBS Alternative - Pool Party, Make a Splash With Jesus!

    This FREE VBS Curriculum is for something different and fun that Children's Ministries could use in the summer. Summer means parties by the pool, so that's the idea. These Five lessons are all themed around having a pool party. So you can meet at the church four times and then the fifth time meet at someone's home for a real pool party, or you can just decorate your church like a pool (that's fun too!). This year, teach kids what a difference Jesus can make in their lives when they are willing to dive in with him! Curriculum Includes Perfect for kids ages 6-12 5-days of lessons and activities Make It Stick! Parent Sheets Memory Verse Skit or Puppet Show Large Group Lesson Small-Group Discussion Craft Activity


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    FREE VBS Minute to Win It Game Video
    Children's Ministry Deals
    FREE VBS Minute to Win It Game Video

    In this game video, kids will be encouraged to use their brain and their energy to win these fun games. These games are great to use in the weeks approaching, or during Vacation Bible School. It's a great activity to get kids excited about VBS. Download it today!


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