Ministry Guides

Hospitality Ministry Volunteer Handbook
Your Hospitality Team plays a vital role in the growth of your church. When people walk into your church, they should feel welcomed, valued, and loved. Therefore, it's important to create a welcoming, friendly, and inviting atmosphere. If you want to equip your hospitality team with the best practices, tips, role-play scenarios, team roles and functions, etiquette, and emergency information, then Greg Atkinson's little book is a great resource. It contains tons of invaluable information that will help your team serve your guests better. Give volunteers a practical and clear guide and watch them flourish.

Prayer Ministry Volunteer Handbook
Your Prayer Team will love this little book! When you have a team that loves to pray, it’s important to equip them with the tools to keep them encouraged. David and Kim Butts have included invaluable scriptural foundations for prayer ministry, team roles, and functions, retreat ideas, discussion questions, prayer meeting outlines, and tons more! Share this book with your Prayer Team today and continue to grow stronger in prayer.

Outreach Ministry Volunteer Handbook
The harvest is ready, and people are seeking connection. Empower your church to serve and reach those who are curious about faith. Use this book to build your team, incorporate unique outreach ideas, build team culture, and more. Equip your team to reach the young and the older generation. Teach your Outreach Volunteers how effective their connections are and how important it is to develop meaningful connections with visitors. One great interaction with an Outreach Volunteer can change the trajectory of a whole family.

Men's Ministry Volunteer Handbook
Men's Ministry is vital to a church's health. Men seek authentic community, discipleship, and transformative accountability. Share this book with your men’s ministry volunteers and train them to discover new ways to disciple men and help them be rooted in Scripture. When men are effectively engaged, your ministry will become a thriving, life-changing community.

Care & Visitation Ministry Volunteer Handbook
Having a Care and Visitation Ministry is so important in the church today. So many families deal with pain and loss, and equipping volunteers to deal with delicate situations is critical. As a volunteer, it is essential to have sharp listening and comforting skills. Get this book today and gain confidence as you learn visitation best practices.

Children's Ministry Volunteer Handbook
Your team would greatly benefit from this handbook. It contains a wealth of teaching tips, age-specific insights, guidance on classroom management, details on working with parents, and much more. Provide your volunteers with this practical and straightforward guide to help establish a culture of shared values in your Children's Ministry.

Senior Adult Ministry Volunteer Handbook
If your church has a large population of seniors, it is likely that they may feel left out and lonely. Seniors desire to have purpose and fellowship, but they may not be given opportunities to connect and contribute. This can make them feel unneeded and unwelcome. To address this issue, we have created a handbook that offers a range of senior-friendly program ideas and biblical wisdom to help seniors deal with change, loneliness, and grief. You can benefit from new ideas for senior adult Sunday school classes, senior service projects, and other programs. Get your copy now and show your appreciation for the seniors in your church.

Elders Ministry Volunteer Handbook
Your team will find this little book quite valuable. It presents the necessity of having the Ministry of Elders and highlights the Bible's vision for Elders. Additionally, it offers a vast array of practical training on how to become an effective Elder and provide spiritual leadership to others. This book can serve as a connection tool among the Elders in your church as they can come together to discuss it and build unity and confidence in their roles.

Small Group Ministry Volunteer Handbook
Your team will love this little book. Give your leaders the training they need to engage group members more deeply, create group cultures that encourage transparency, cope with questions and doubts, make disciples, and so much more!

Hospitality Ministry 5-Pack
Your Hospitality Team plays a vital role in the growth of your church. When people walk into your church, they should feel welcomed, valued, and loved. Therefore, it's important to create a welcoming, friendly, and inviting atmosphere. If you want to equip your hospitality team with the best practices, tips, role-play scenarios, team roles and functions, etiquette, and emergency information, then Greg Atkinson's little book is a great resource. It contains tons of invaluable information that will help your team serve your guests better. Give your entire ministry team a practical and clear guide, and watch them flourish.

Ministry Guide Bundle
Consider providing each member of your ministry team with practical and clear guides on Children's Ministry, Hospitality Ministry, and Prayer Ministry. Your team will appreciate these little books, which contain invaluable content specifically written for ministry volunteers. Each book includes practical tools, tips, advice, and much more. Help your team discover the wealth of information offered in these guides and empower them with the knowledge they need to excel in their respective ministries. Ministry Guide Bundle Includes Children's Ministry Volunteer Handbook Hospitality Ministry Volunteer Handbook Prayer Ministry Volunteer Handbook

Men's Ministry 5-Pack
Men's Ministry is vital to a church's health. Men seek authentic community, discipleship, and transformative accountability. That's why we created this bundle to equip your whole team. This Men's Ministry 5-Pack will help you: Recruit and train men’s ministry volunteers, discover new ways to disciple men, and help them be rooted in Scripture. When men are effectively engaged, your men's ministry will become a thriving, life-changing community.

Senior Adult Ministry 5-Pack
If your church has a large population of seniors, it is likely that they may feel left out and lonely. Seniors desire to have purpose and fellowship, but they may not be given opportunities to connect and contribute. This can make them feel unneeded and unwelcome. To address this issue, we have created a handbook that offers a range of senior-friendly program ideas and biblical wisdom to help seniors deal with change, loneliness, and grief. You can benefit from new ideas for senior adult Sunday school classes, senior service projects, and other programs. We created this 5-Pack to equip your team to serve and honor the seniors of your church.

Ministry Guide Series 5-Pack Bundle
Empower and equip your volunteer teams like never before with the Ministry Guide Series Bundle. This bundle includes volunteer handbooks for five different ministries that will make your church thrive. This 5-Pack Includes Prayer Ministry Volunteer Handbook – Empower your prayer team to grow and learn. Children’s Ministry Volunteer Handbook – Strengthen your children’s ministry in new and exciting ways. Outreach Ministry Volunteer Handbook – Ignite a passion for reaching the lost. Hospitality Ministry Volunteer Handbook – Prepare your hospitality team to welcome visitors. Care & Visitation Ministry Volunteer Handbook – Equip your team to carry God’s grace into homes and hospital rooms.

Outreach Ministry 5-Pack
The harvest is ready, and people are seeking connection. Empower your church to serve and reach those who are curious about faith. Use this book to build your team, incorporate unique outreach ideas, build team culture, and more. Equip your team to reach the young and the older generation. Teach your Outreach Volunteers how effective their connections are and how important it is to develop meaningful connections with visitors. We created this 5-Pack to help equip your team to reach their community more effectively.

Small Group Ministry Guide 5-Pack
Your team will love this little book. Give your leaders the training they need to engage group members more deeply, create group cultures that encourage transparency, cope with questions and doubts, make disciples, and so much more! We created this 5-Pack for you to share with your leaders and help them flourish like never before.

Small Group & Elder Ministry 2-Pack
It's important for leaders to understand each other's roles for the health of their church. How can two walk together unless they are agreed? Give your leaders a chance to understand each other's roles. This 2-Pack Includes Elders Ministry Guidebook - Commission your Elder teams to build unity. Small Group Ministry Guidebook - Leading with vulnerability and transparency to create an atmosphere of authenticity.

Care & Visitation Ministry 5-Pack
Having a Care and Visitation Ministry is so important in the church today. So many families deal with pain and loss, and equipping volunteers to deal with delicate situations is critical. As a volunteer, it is essential to have sharp listening and comforting skills. Share this 5-Pack with your Care and Visitation Ministry today and strengthen your care and visitation best practices.

Elders Ministry Guide 5-Pack
Your team will find this little book quite valuable. It presents the necessity of having the Ministry of Elders and highlights the Bible's vision for Elders. Additionally, it offers a vast array of practical training on how to become an effective Elder and provide spiritual leadership to others. This book can serve as a connection tool among the Elders in your church as they can come together to discuss it and build unity and confidence in their roles. Share this 5-Pack with your Elders Ministry and encourage them to keep serving others with Godly wisdom.

Children's Ministry 5-Pack
This handbook would greatly benefit your entire Children's Ministry Team. It contains a wealth of teaching tips, age-specific insights, guidance on classroom management, details on working with parents, and much more. Provide your volunteers with this practical and straightforward guide to help establish a culture of shared values in your Children's Ministry. Give your entire ministry team this practical and clear guide and see your Children's Ministry achieve more!