Strong Ministry 9-Pack

Strong Ministry 9-Pack


If you're looking to enhance the effectiveness of your ministry, we have developed the Strong Ministry 9-Pack, which can help you identify areas for improvement and build a strong foundation for your church.  

Strong Ministry 9-Pack Includes

  • Hospitality Ministry Guide – Prepare your hospitality team to welcome visitors.
  • Prayer Ministry Guide – Equip your prayer team to pray with boldness.
  • Outreach Ministry Guide – Ignite a passion for reaching the lost.
  • Small Group Ministry Guide – Train your small group leaders to lead with vulnerability.
  • Children’s Ministry Guide – Help your children’s ministry grow and thrive.
  • Care & Visitation Ministry Guide – Equip your team to carry God’s grace into homes and hospital rooms.
  • Elders Ministry Guide – Commission your Elder teams to build unity.
  • Men's Ministry Guide – Strengthen your men's ministry in new ways.
  • Senior Adult Ministry Guide – Reach senior citizens and help them feel seen.