Mother’s Day Physical/Digital Bundle
Mother’s Day Physical/Digital Bundle
Mother’s Day Physical/Digital Bundle
Mother’s Day Physical/Digital Bundle
Mother’s Day Physical/Digital Bundle
Mother’s Day Physical/Digital Bundle

Mother’s Day Physical/Digital Bundle


Bundle Price: $67.90 (Product Value: $97.00 - SAVE 30%)

This bundle is designed to assist you in welcoming families to your church to celebrate Mother's Day and honor the hardworking women in your church and community who serve others selflessly. It includes a one-day Event Kit comprising a sermon and discussion guide and downloadable content to aid your media team. This kit is ideal for showing appreciation to women who dedicate their lives to serving others. 

Along with the Digital Kit, you will receive two handheld signs perfect for greeting visitors to your church as part of this bundle. These signs can make a simple handshake more relaxed and lighthearted, encouraging a sense of community each weekend. They are also useful for photo ops. Each sign is printed on a sturdy Bulldog Board and is one-sided.

 Digital Kit Includes 

  • One sermon with discussion questions
  • Sermon Slide backgrounds and templates
  • Countdown, Bumper, and Invite Videos
  • Social Media Guide
  • Social media graphics and motion videos

Handheld Signs