
Wesleyan Investment Foundation

Plan Today. Build for Tomorrow.


Rooted in Christian principles and trusted by thousands of churches, denominations, networks, and associations, WIF has served churches through investment accounts and loans since 1946. We believe there’s more to financial health than just numbers. We understand the unique dynamics of church financing and walk hand-in-hand with churches of all sizes to advance the Kingdom.

A Kingdom partnership that enables local churches


Funding loans for local churches

Churches are often denied or find themselves in a maze of requirements when seeking loans from transactional lenders.

With WIF, your church can access the funds you need with less hassle and find a partner with a proven heart for the Church.

  • Loans tailored to the unique dynamics of church financing
  • Interest paid directly funds loans for other churches
  • In over 75 years, we’ve never foreclosed on a church loan

Resources for church leaders

Building Strong Financial Foundations

Navigating Kingdom Finance in Uncertain Times


“WIF wants our churches to flourish. It’s a true partnership in that regard. They're not just a servicing agent to my churches, it's more than that.”

Ken Nabi | Regional President of Converge Great Lakes


Apply for a loan in as little as 15 minutes

Get competitive loan rates and terms specifically designed for churches and see why thousands of churches trust WIF.


11 Things Every Church Should Know Before Starting a Building Project

If you’re looking to start a construction project at your church, you’ve come to the right place! Our free guide walks you through a typical construction plan—from casting the vision to final occupancy—to help turn your Kingdom dreams into reality.


  • Step-by-step guidance and what’s needed to achieve each step
  • Key pieces of information to consider at each stage
  • Best practices to avoid common pitfalls
  • Ideas to formulate your own unique plan
  • And more!

Want to talk to a member of our team?

Wherever you are on your journey, we’d love to speak with you.

 Please fill out this form and we'll schedule a brief call to address your questions promptly.