This series calls Christ-followers to reconnect with the God-given compassion that may have eroded over time due to weariness, cynicism, or defensiveness. When we look at Jesus, He reminds us of the great compassion each of us has received.
While we were still sinners, He died for us. - Romans 5:8
He would have our hearts ache for the lost—just like His does. That’s what sets our priorities straight so that we can’t help but tell people about Jesus. This Evangelism Master Class is designed to return us to the existential priority of sharing the Gospel with the hope that a revived era of evangelism will begin.
Watch each of the eight sessions with your team and work through the accompanying Practical Application Guide to strategize how you’d like to reinspire and revitalize the evangelism efforts of your congregation.

Ed Stetzer shares how you can let Jesus’ compassion inform your prioriti...

Lisa Fields unpacks how you can adopt a listening posture toward culture...

Christine Caine shares how letting our own salvation stories can fuel ou...

Mark Mittelberg discusses how we have freedom from prescriptive evangeli...

Rebecca McLaughlin teaches how to remove imaginary prerequisites for eva...

JD Greear unpacks how we can all get clear on sharing the Good News.

Andrew & Wendy Palau unveil the personal benefits of evangelism.

Greg Stier discusses how we can reach the spiritually open generation.

Accompanying resource for Engaging Culture: An Evangelism Master Class.