City transformation must include both word and deed if it is to be truly transformative. Evangelism Teams (E-Teams) are the Luis Palau Association’s strategy to help city movements guide their passion for evangelism toward collaborative action. Building a culture of Gospel conversations in every city: this is what E-Teams are all about.
Are you a passionate local leader, pastor, or evangelist who has joined a City Gospel Movements E-Team, or are you thinking about joining one? This is the place to learn all about the vision and values of E-Teams.
Learn about City Gospel Movements and what makes them effective.
Help E-Team members strategize for the unity of their region.
Why, what, & how of prioritizing evangelism in City Gospel Movements.
The definition and mission of City Gospel Movements’ E-Teams.
This resource details the qualifications of the members of an E-Team.
This resource details the roles of a core E-Team and advisory board.
A guide for potential E-Team leaders through a time of reflection.
This resource covers the ins & outs of E-Team gatherings & next steps.
We asked 50 Portland pastors about evangelism. Here’s what we found.