The New Attender Follow-Up Kit


The goal of the New Attender Follow-Up Kit is to champion the creation of meaningful relationships between new attenders, your church’s leadership, and the congregation.


This kit combines the stand-alone templates, and , to quickly create a new attender follow-up strategy. It gently shares information about your church’s mission and activities, gathers prayer requests, and helps a new attender take a next step over three weeks.

Kit The New Attender Follow-Up Kit thumbnail
This content provided by:
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new attender follow up
connected ministry
texting resources

Let's set-up this Kit!

  1. Select the template and follow the instructions.
  2. Select the template and follow the instructions.
    Don’t forget: Set up the Add Effect to notify a team member when someone uses a keyword from either template!

CONGRATS! You’re all set up!


Promote the Keyword! Make it easy for a first-time attender to text into your account phone number by placing the template’s keyword - NEW HERE and phone number into the bulletin, on an announcement slide (customizable template provided in this kit!), or on a poster/flyer throughout the church. For additional promotion ideas, use the Opt-in Strategies or the SMS QR code help articles.

New Attender Promotional Slides
New Attender Promotional Slides

Connect with new attenders using customizable slide templates.