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Jesus heals Mary Magdalene based on Luke 8:1-2 & Isaiah 43:1
Nicodemus asks Mary Magdalene about being healed
Explore Jesus’ bedtime routine with this clip.
Jesus teaches the children based on Isaiah 61:1-2 & Matthew 18:2-4
Andrew tells Simon Peter that he has seen the Messiah.
Jesus calls his first disciples based on Luke 5:1-11
Simon yells at God about the oppression of Israel in Egypt, and the occu...
Jesus makes his first public miracle as he turns water into wine at the...
Peter drops everything to follow Jesus based on Luke 5:11
Jesus heals the leper based on Matthew 8:1-4
Jesus forgives sins & heals the paralytic based on Matthew 9:1-8.
Jesus answers questions and teaches on sin and prayer, based on Matthew...
Jesus passes by matthew's booth and asks him to become a disciple. Based...
Nicodemus comes to Jesus in the night based on John 3:1-21
Jesus & the woman at the well based on John 4:1-26